he Pune Municipal Corporation has launched a probe after around 300 cases of waterborne diseases were reported from upscale Nyati Elysia housing society in Kharadi with residents claiming contaminated water supplied from a nearby sewage treatment plant by the private tanker vendor since past few months. Residents raised the concern after finding foul smell in water and a probe revealed …
With a general election imminent, a difficult truth for politicians is that the cost of living crisis is causing real hardship to what we refer to as the “middle class”. Worse than that, it’s being employed deliberately to stoke the anxieties of the genuine middle class – who might be defaulting on a mortgage payment this winter, or cancelling a …
Amid several reports of "black-marketing of medical oxygen", authorities in Srinagar Thursday directed oxygen manufacturing units here to stop the supply of the life-saving gas to any private society or NGO with immediate effect. In an order, Srinagar District Magistrate Aijaz Asad, who is also the chairman of the district disaster management authority, said the oxygen manufacturing units within the …
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