Pahuna revolves around three Nepali children who get separated from their parents, escape the Maoists agitation in Nepal and flee to Sikkim. Priyanka Chopra’s maiden Sikkimese production Pahuna: The Little Visitors dropped its first trailer ahead of its 7 December release. Pahuna revolves around three Nepali children — a girl, a boy and an infant — who get separated from …
Priyanka Chopra’s maiden Sikkimese production Pahuna - The Little Visitors will hit the screens on 7 December. Produced by Priyanka and her mother Madhu Chopra under their Purple Pebble Pictures banner, co-produced by Children’s Film Society, India, and directed by Paakhi A Tyrewala, the first look of Pahuna - The Little Visitors was unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival in …