Sky TV shared behind-the-scenes snaps from The Day Of The Jackal filming on Thursday, after it was revealed the show will have a second series. The partially true story, which is based on Frederick Forsyth's 1971 book of the same name, stars Eddie Redmayne as the assassin being targeted by an intelligence officer, played by Lashana Lynch. Sky TV has …
Emmy Rossum looks unrecognizable as Angelyne in Peacock's upcoming miniseries under layers of prosthetics, a platinum wig and heavy makeup. In a new Instagram video, posted by Emmy award-winning makeup artist Mike Mekash on Thursday, the Shameless actress, 35, can be seen sitting patiently as three-pound fake breasts were strapped to her chest. Transformed: Emmy Rossum looks unrecognizable as Angelyne …
Actress Yaaneea Bharadwaj played the character of Choti Maayi in the latest horror film Chhorii on Amazon Prime Video. She said about her transformation, “The prosthetics used to take 3-4 hours to put on and more than 2 hours to remove. Even for a shot of the hand, I used to get full prosthetics done. About her decision to enter …