For Ranbir Kapoor, Sharmaji Namkeen is a very special film. In a trailer announcement video for the film, Ranbir revealed that he wanted to finish Sharmaji Namkeen using prosthetics, but nothing worked out. After his death, Ranbir and the makers of Sharmaji Namkeen thought about VFX and the actor wanted to go for prosthetics to finish the film, but nothing …
Your future soulmate, possibly. Furries are going mainstream in the first trailer for the upcoming reality series “Sexy Beasts,” which sees real-life singles find love while sporting cutting-edge prosthetics that transform them into shockingly realistic pandas, devils, beavers and dolphins ― yes, with a complementary blowhole. The new reality dating series, which is set to hit the streaming service July …
Bharat movie is one of the movies of 2019, for which we have been waiting for long. Salman Khan is seen in various looks, however, he addressed Katrina Kaif as ‘Madam Sir’ in one of the posters. According to the sources, ‘It took her two hours daily to get ready with all the prosthetics, her stylist has revealed.’ In an …
Actor Vivek Oberoi has tried real hard to step into the shoes of India's current Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the upcoming biopic but couldn't really impress the internet with his looks. Considering the huge age gap between Vivek and the minister, the team of PM Narendra Modi biopic went into the process of prosthetics and it was not a …