Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga on Friday said that his government cannot work as it wishes as the Centre was unable to provide funds of Rs 3,500 crore to the state during the last three years. Addressing the annual conference of the Mizoram Engineer Service Association at Berawtlang in Aizawl, the Chief Minister said that the Centre was unable to provide …
BRUSSELS — The European Union on Monday approved a military training mission in Europe for thousands of Ukrainian troops and a plan to provide around 500 million euros in extra funds to help buy weapons for the war-torn country. EU headquarters said in a statement that the mission’s aim is to allow the Ukrainian armed forces to “effectively conduct military …
The emergency bill would allow 8,000 more visas and provide $500m to help resettle Afghans who helped US troops and civilians. “This is a whole of government, 24-7, worldwide effort,” she said, adding, “in consideration for their safety and security and privacy of the Afghan special immigrants and their families, we’re not going to discuss or confirm any details of …