Mumbai: In a bid to stop the duplicity of government works, the Maharashtra government on Thursday announced that it will provide Unique ID numbers to Public infrastructure projects similar to the Aadhaar number given to citizens. The development comes after the Rural Development Department, Forest Department, Public Works Department and Tourism Department constructed toilet blocks adjacent to each other at …
Tamil Nadu has always made headlines for unique election promises made by political parties. Thulam Saravanan, a social activist, has promised a free iPhone, a 100-day vacation on Moon, and much more if he is elected from the constituency. He has also promised a space research centre, 300-feet snow hill to fight the summer heat, and a rocket launching pad …
At times maligned as a destructive feral pest, the lowly goat has been enjoying a surge in popularity among farmers, producers, restaurateurs and foodies. Key points: Some of the 127 goats on Dean and Donna Kitto-Trickey's property are hand-picked wild goats so they can handle the heat in far-west NSW Mr Kitto-Trickey was a carpenter until six years ago and …