Tech giant Apple has criticised Meta over the “metaverse" company’s plans to charge developers up to 47.5 per cent for virtual goods sold through the Meta Quest store. On Monday, Meta announced it would take an additional 17.5 per cent cut from goods sold in “Horizon Worlds" after taking a 30 per cent platform fee for being on the Meta …
Apple on Friday revised its App Store guidelines in an attempt to clarify the issues that the company has been facing over the governance of its digital store for iPhone devices. The Cupertino-based technology company updated how it will approach game streaming services and rules for online classes, and detailed its stance on in-app purchases from different app categories. The …
The US House antitrust subcommittee has revealed that Apple offered a lower 15 per cent subscription fee to Amazon for bringing its Prime Video app on the Apple TV set-top box. Apple normally charges 30 per cent fee for most in-app purchases but in the case of Amazon, it allegedly offered 15 per cent fee on subscriptions that signed up …