Joji Joji marks Fahadh Faasil's third outing with director Dileesh Pothan and writer Syam Pushkaran. Director: Dileesh Pothan Cast: Fahadh Faasil, Baburaj, Shammi Thilakan and Sunny PN Joji, which is the third direct-OTT release for Fahadh Faasil in a span of six months, marks the third time collaboration for the star with director Dileesh Pothan and writer Syam Pushkaran. In …
The trailer of Fahadh Faasil's Joji released online today. Sharing the trailer of Joji, the official Twitter handle of Amazon Prime Video wrote, "Meet Joji and his family, who are calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet. Here's the post: FAHADH FAASIL OPENS UP ABoUT JOJI Fahadh Faasil has reunited with Dileesh Pothan and Syam Pushkaran after four …