Joji Joji marks Fahadh Faasil's third outing with director Dileesh Pothan and writer Syam Pushkaran. Director: Dileesh Pothan Cast: Fahadh Faasil, Baburaj, Shammi Thilakan and Sunny PN Joji, which is the third direct-OTT release for Fahadh Faasil in a span of six months, marks the third time collaboration for the star with director Dileesh Pothan and writer Syam Pushkaran. In …
In this quick review, we look at the works of one of the most celebrated new wave writers in Malayalam cinema. We write a scene, combine it effectively and of course have healthy disagreements.” 22 Female Kottayam, loosely based on Sriram Raghavan’s Ek Haseena Thi, which Pushkaran wrote with Abhilash Kumar, is a revenge drama centered around a nurse who, …