Puvarti, a Maoist-affected village in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, tuned in to a TV broadcast for the first time in its history. As part of the initiative, through the Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency, solar-powered appliances such as lights and fans were distributed to families in Puvarti. “Children, women, and the elderly from Puvarti eagerly gathered around the TV sets …
In a landmark development, villagers of Puvarti village, a Naxal-affected and remote area in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district, watched national and international news, serials, and local films on Doordarshan for the first time since India’s independence. The initiative marks a significant step toward rapid development in Naxal-affected areas, bringing positive changes to remote villages like Puvarti, Silger, and Tekalgudiyum. Solar energy …