Director Prasanth Varma had announced his upcoming socio-fantasy film, tentatively titled Simha, which is set to mark the acting debut of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s son, Nandamuri Taraka Rama Mokshagnya Teja, also known as Moksh Nandamuri. The makers of the film have now issued a clarification, dismissing all speculations as “baseless rumours.” SLV Cinemas shared an official statement on their X page …
Director Prasanth Varma announced on his Instagram and X that apart from Rishab Shetty, Rana Daggubati has also joined his upcoming project, Jai Hanuman, which is a part of his cinematic universe PVCU. Prasanth Varma announced that apart from Rishab Shetty, Rana Daggubati will also star in Jai Hanuman. Rana Daggubati in Jai Hanuman Prasanth, Rana and Rishab jointly posted …
Actor Karthi was in Hyderabad on Monday to promote his upcoming Tamil film with Arvind Swamy, Meiyazhagan. Karthi might play the next superhero in Prasanth Varma's Cinematic Universe. His energy and concepts are superb, so I look forward to it.” Karthi also told the audience that it would be a ‘mass’ film. On Suriya liking Meiyazhagan {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} …