The Shiv Sena and BJP have increased their tally in the coastal Raigad district by winning five of the total seven Assembly constituencies in the just concluded elections in Maharashtra. In Alibag, the district headquarters, Mahendra Hari Dalvi of the Shiv Sena defeated sitting PWP MLA Subhash Patil. In Uran, rebel BJP candidate Mahesh Baladi, who contested the election as …
Raigad district in Maharashtra, considered a stronghold of Peasants and Workers Party, is likely to witness a close contest in six out of its seven Assembly constituencies in the state elections to be held on Monday. In Uran, sitting Shiv Sena MLA Manohar Bhoir is facing a strong challenge from former legislator Vivekanand Patil, a PWP candidate. In Karjat, the …
The announcement on a united opposition front was cancelled on Wednesday after the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party failed to arrive at a solution after a series of meeting with smaller allies in Maharashtra. Former Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said the seat distribution between the Congress and the NCP has been sorted out successfully but discussions over three or four …