Raghubir Yadav, Ila Arun, Swanand Kirkire and Ragini Khanna will also be seen in Ghoomketu. Streaming platform ZEE5 unveiled the trailer of upcoming comedy drama Ghoomketu today. Here is the trailer #Ghoomketu hai seedha sa lekin uski kahani hai bilkul tedhi medhi. Dikhiye iss kahani ka full version 22nd May par only on #ZEE5 Ab trailer dekh kar kya soch …
In the fourth episode of the Amazon web series Panchayat, Pradhan Pati, played by Raghubir Yadav is berated by his wife Manju Devi for failing to carry out a task that may earn him some local scorn. “Aaj humein Sardar Patel jaisa feel ho raha hai,” he says, concluding a small narrative cycle with the most innocent, maybe even naïve …
Actor Raghubir Yadav, gearing up for the release of his forthcoming film Blackboard vs Whiteboard, says he does not believe in the term called character actor in films. When asked whether character actors are getting importance in content-driven films in recent times, Raghubir said, "I don't believe in the term called a character actor.'' Raghubir Yadav added, "I don't know …