New Delhi, Almost four decades after his first film, more since his debut on stage and numerous small screen appearances later, veteran actor Raghubir Yadav says “Panchayat” has taken his success to the next level with people recognising him as “Pradhan ji” wherever he goes. Everywhere I go, people call me Pradhan ji: Raghubir Yadav on 'Panchayat' success "As if …
Raghubir Yadav, the masterful actor of theatre and Bollywood, turns a year older today. This genius acting talent has essayed a variety of roles that have left a long-lasting impression –like Loknath in Newton, Dr Srivastav in Piku, Bhaskar from Love Per Square Foot, Bhura from Lagaan, Sudhakar from Sui Dhaaga, Pappu Giri in Pagglait, and recently, the uncle in …
“I had realised way back in my mid-teens that I am not meant for a 9-to-5 job life. “I was fascinated by the idea of how an everyman, who went about his or her life for the entire day, could suddenly put on a costume, go on stage in the evening, and become something else.” He adds, “My obsession reached …
From wanting to be a gatekeeper at a cinema hall so that he could watch every film to being a reputed actor, many of this Mungerilal’s dreams have come true. Actor Raghubir Yadav, who has worked in critically acclaimed films such as Salaam Bombay, Peepli Live and Newton, was in Chandigarh to adjudge a short-filmmaking event, CineMaestro, organised by Chitkara …