New Delhi, Almost four decades after his first film, more since his debut on stage and numerous small screen appearances later, veteran actor Raghubir Yadav says “Panchayat” has taken his success to the next level with people recognising him as “Pradhan ji” wherever he goes. Everywhere I go, people call me Pradhan ji: Raghubir Yadav on 'Panchayat' success "As if …
Panchayat Season 3 Review: In one of the scenes of the third season of the popular series 'Panchayat', Sachiv ji, Pradhan ji, Vikas and Prahalad are engaged in a serious discussion and a sentence by Pradhan Ji elicits a laugh from Prahalad, who has been immersed in alcohol and drowning in his sorrow in this season. Panchayat's third season might …
We are back to village Phulera, Block Fakauli, District Baliya, and back to the life of Abhishek Tripathi aka sachiv ji. It’s the little things or situations that create humour out of the eccentricities of daily, mundane life – people, including ‘pradhanji’ defecating in open even after the village has been declared open defecation free just because of old habit, …
The prolific Raghubir Yadav is in no mood to take it slow. How the villagers work hard to earn their livelihood makes their lives stand apart from each other.” Raghubir Yadav and Jitendra Kumar in Panchayat. Raghubir shared the screen space with Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan actor Jitendra Kumar in the show and the latter was the one who revealed …