Cradling their two-year-old daughter, banker Anjana and techie-husband Ramakrishna savour the breathtaking view of the cityscape from their 14th floor abode in a plush gated community of Hyderabad. There are water tankers everywhere now.” The longstanding rivalry between Hyderabad and Bengaluru spans various aspects, including competition among IT companies, the residential and office market, public transportation, and the cost of …
The K Chandrasekhar Rao government has made it mandatory for housing complexes spread over 200 square metres to install a rainwater harvesting pit. Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board officials maintain that about 40 percent of residential complexes in GHMC-controlled areas have installed rainwater harvesting pits. In fact, the K Chandrasekhar Rao government has made it mandatory for housing …