Sunrisers Hyderabad confirmed on Tuesday that the India pacer will not take further part in the tournament and he will be replaced by the 22-year-old Prithvi Raj. Dubai: Unheralded left-arm pacer Prithvi Raj Yarra was on Tuesday named as the replacement for Sunrisers Hyderabad’s senior pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who has been ruled out of the ongoing IPL due to a …
Unheralded left-arm pacer Prithvi Raj Yarra was on Tuesday named as replacement for Sunrisers Hyderabad's senior pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who has been ruled out of the ongoing IPL due to a thigh muscle injury. Sunrisers Hyderabad confirmed on Tuesday that the India pacer will not take further part in the tournament and he will be replaced by the 22-year-old Prithvi …