A 25-year-old man was hacked to death by a gang near the district combined court complex in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli on Friday, while he was going to court for a hearing. According to the police, the gang tried to attack the man, identified as Mayandi, at a restaurant located opposite the court complex. Special sub-inspector Uykattan, who was on security …
Aditi Srivastava, a 29-year-old IT professional based in Delhi, resigned from her job six months ago to focus all her energies on orchestrating her elaborate Indian wedding. “As per bank records, 57% women aged between 26 and 30 years, appear to have availed the loan.” While he attributes the behaviour to an attitude of self-reliance and self-awareness among the younger …
A few years ago, a film production house shared a casting call on Facebook for ‘an actor who looks like a Dalit’. It follows a trio of upper-caste filmmakers from South Bombay on an urgent quest to find a protagonist who, in their words, ‘looks like a Dalit’ for their film shoot the next day. His response is two-fold, “I …