Provision of Rs 1,000 crore to establish and upgrade schools, colleges, hospitals, and administrative buildings in assembly constituencies and recruitment to fill 70,000 posts were among the key announcements by Rajasthan Finance Minister Diya Kumari, who announced the state's interim budget on Thursday. Now, to ensure regional balance of development, Rs 1,000 crore has been announced for setting up and …
The Ministry of Finance has notified the establishment of 31 GST Appellate Tribunal benches across all states and Union Territories. According to reports, this process is often prolonged due to High Courts being inundated with a backlog of cases and lacking specialised benches dedicated to handling GST-related matters. Similarly, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry will together have two GSTAT benches, while …
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has kept nine departments including the key finance and home with him, while Deputy CM Sachin Pilot has been allocated five portfolios. Anjana Udailal was made cooperative minister and was also given Indira Gandhi canal project department, Pratap Singh given transport and soldier welfare departments while Shale Mohammad given the portfolio of minority affairs and …