The city of Agra was filled with excitement and devotion as it hosted the grand Ram Baraat, a mega event that represents the divine wedding procession of Lord Ram. Among the thousands participating in this magnificent event were two beloved characters Daroga Happu Singh and his Dabang Dulhaniya Rajesh from &TV’s comedy 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan.' Yogesh Tripathi expressed his …
On 15th October, a Navratri Kalash Yatra was allegedly attacked by Islamists in the Lakshmipur area of Kuberasthan Police jurisdiction under Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh. FIR does not mention chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ An FIR has been registered under Sections 147, 323, 504, 506, 336 and 308 of the Indian Penal Code on the complaint of Naresh Sah, uncle of …