The makers of the movie “Adipurush” were no doubt hoping to cash in on India’s current obsession with all things Hindu when they decided to make a film based on the ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana. Meanwhile, the Hindu Sena, a right-wing organization, filed a petition in the Delhi High Court claiming that the film “hurt the sentiments of the …
It’s four stanzas of a river in flood, describing the things the river carries away, including a quirky image I never forgot of “a couple of cows named Gopi and Brinda as usual.” I reconnected with this poet a few years ago, with the posthumous publication of his journals. If you, like me, read primarily in English, here are three …
Legends Of The Ramayana is for those who delight in symbol and metaphor, and are willing to be struck by wonder even as they exercise their critical faculties. Language: Hindi, English Amish Tripathi, who has written the Ramchandra series of novels based on the Ramayana, can now be seen in a three-part documentary series called Legends of the Ramayana with …