Sunil Lahri, who played Lakshman in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, said that he has full faith in actor Kangana Ranaut's The Incarnation Sita. Sunil Lahri spoke about Kangana Ranaut as Sita in The Incarnation Sita. Sunil on Kangana's Sita Speaking with Live Hindustan, Sunil Lahri said, "Mujhe Kangana ki film se puri umeed hai ki woh aesa kuch nahi karegi aur …
Back in 2017, it was reported that Ramayana will get a live-action feature film, bankrolled by Madhu Mantena, Allu Aravind and Namit Malhotra. Now, Mumbai Mirror reports that the producers have nabbed Dangal director Nitesh Tiwari and Mom director Ravi Udyawar to helm the ambitious project from Sridhar Raghavan’s screenplay. Nitesh, on the other hand, says that while the film …
‘Adoring sister, vindictive widow, rebel, spurned lover, beautiful princess, tragic victim.’ When one thinks of Ravana’s sister Surpanakha from the Ramayana, these are not the phrases that come to mind. But there are more than 300 versions of the Ramayana across India and South Asia which are in conflict with this narrative, says Kathak performer Ashavari Majumdar, whose unique piece …