Mukesh Khanna has been dominating headlines all week thanks to his recent comments regarding Sonakshi Sinha’s upbringing. Well, Mukesh has now turned his focus to Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor’s casting as Lord Rama in Nitesh Tiwari’s two-part adaptation of Ramayana. Ranbir Kapoor's casting in Ramayana has garnered Mukesh Khanna's opinion In a chat with Mid Day, Mukesh remembered Arun Govil, …
The makers of the movie “Adipurush” were no doubt hoping to cash in on India’s current obsession with all things Hindu when they decided to make a film based on the ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana. Meanwhile, the Hindu Sena, a right-wing organization, filed a petition in the Delhi High Court claiming that the film “hurt the sentiments of the …