Days ahead of the grand ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday offered prayers at the Shree Kala Ram Mandir situated along the banks of Godavari in Maharashtra’s Nashik. The ‘Yuddh Kand’ of the Hindu epic Ramayan, which depicts Lord Ram’s return to Ayodhya, was played in Marathi at the temple for …
Legends Of The Ramayana is for those who delight in symbol and metaphor, and are willing to be struck by wonder even as they exercise their critical faculties. Language: Hindi, English Amish Tripathi, who has written the Ramchandra series of novels based on the Ramayana, can now be seen in a three-part documentary series called Legends of the Ramayana with …