Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. According to a note that he authored on the eve of the inaugural of the Kasi Tamil Sangamam, Tamilagam was credited with having played a crucial role in the journey of Bharat. Tamilagam, in fact, is the physical manifestation of Bharat and several thousands of people travelled between Kasi and Rameswaram until the British broke the …
The Constitution of India introduces our country by name Bharat, the name by which she has been known since the beginning of our history. The letter of January 20, 1801 of Sarfojee Maharaj, the last ruler of Tanjore to the British resident, Benjamin Torin, who had taken over the control, pleading for not disturbing or dismantling the chain of Chattrams …
RAMESWARAM: Sri Lankan Tamil MP representing Batticaloa Seenithambi Yogeshwaran on Thursday made a forceful plea to the Government of India and Tamil Nadu government to consider former Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa’s suggestion to confer ‘dual citizenship’ status to the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in camps in Tamil Nadu to help them get employment. Speaking at an event organised by …