After recording Teri Meri Kahaani with Himesh Reshammiya, internet sensation Ranu Mondal has recorded her second song, titled Aadat, with the musician. Ranu became a star overnight after a video of her singing Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai at the Ranaghat railway station in West Bengal went viral earlier this month. Atindra Chakraborty, a 26-year-old engineer, is also responsible for …
A West Bengal woman’s rendition of Lata Mangeshkar’s Ek Pyar Ka Nagma has taken the internet by storm. Lata Mangeshkar’s classic song, ‘Ek Pyar Ka Nagma’ got a new lease of life when a woman in West Bengal covered the popular number. On 31 July, the page also posted another video of the woman singing yet another Lata Mangeshkar classic, …