Ranu Mondal, the singing sensation from Ranaghat, reunites with her daughter after she has recently done a recording with Himesh Reshammiya. Well, most of us know who is Ranu Mondal and those who don't know, Ranu Mondal was a beggar who became a sensation overnight. Himesh Reshammiya, the famous music director and singer gave the first break to Ranu and …
Do you remember the woman who was spotted singing Lata Mangeshkar's song Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai at the Ranaghat station in West Bengal and went viral soon after? Well, Ranu Mondal just recorded her first song with Himesh Reshammiya for his upcoming film as the musician shared a clip of it on Instagram. In the short video, Ranu Mondal …
Internet has propelled her to instant stardom. More than a million people have heard her singing Lata Mangeshkar's Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai. "It was a chance encounter," Atindra Chakraborty, a 26-year old engineer who first heard Ranu singing a Mohammed Rafi number at Ranaghat station, said. See pics of her makeover: Ranu Mondal was born in Krishnanagar but spent …
A West Bengal woman’s rendition of Lata Mangeshkar’s Ek Pyar Ka Nagma has taken the internet by storm. Lata Mangeshkar’s classic song, ‘Ek Pyar Ka Nagma’ got a new lease of life when a woman in West Bengal covered the popular number. On 31 July, the page also posted another video of the woman singing yet another Lata Mangeshkar classic, …
While netizens kept themselves busy with raging debates online, a short video of a woman singing her melodious version of a Lata Mangeshkar track has gone viral on social media. In the video that has been shared on Facebook by BarpetaTown The place of peace, the woman sings Lata Mangeshkar's popular 1972 track Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai from Shor. …