Almost every Indian woman from a certain era secretly craved to sing like Lata Mangeshkar. Recently there was the case of Ranu Mondal who sang herself into fame with Lataji’s Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai from penury and anonymity. When I tell Lataji about Ranu Mondal’s experience, Asia’s resident Nightingale expresses happiness but with reservations. “Agar mere naam aur kaam …
After recording Teri Meri Kahaani with Himesh Reshammiya, internet sensation Ranu Mondal has recorded her second song, titled Aadat, with the musician. Ranu became a star overnight after a video of her singing Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai at the Ranaghat railway station in West Bengal went viral earlier this month. Atindra Chakraborty, a 26-year-old engineer, is also responsible for …
Internet sensation Ranu Mondal has not received any flat as gift from Salman Khan and neither has Himesh Reshammiya paid Rs 50 lakh to her for recording his songs - all such rumours are baseless, a member of the club in Ranaghat claimed. Vicky Biswas, a member of Ranaghat's Amra Shobai Shoitan club, told news agency IANS, "Two members of …
Odia actor-comedian Tattwa Prakash Satapathy, famously known as Papu Pom Pom, has been slammed by several quarters after mocking internet sensation Ranu Mondal in a TikTok video. Satapathy, in his TikTok video, imitated the entire scenario of Ranu's recording with Himesh. In Satapathy's video, another man imitated Himesh Reshammiya - seen encouraging Ranu as she sang Teri Meri Kahaani in …