The concept of bike taxis has witnessed remarkable success across Indian cities in recent years. In Bengaluru, an Uber-Rapido rider claimed to earn ₹ 80,000 monthly, shocking social media users. Watch the clip here: Praise from Paytm founder Adding to the buzz, Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma shared the clip, lauding India’s tech-driven gig economy. These colleagues are building a …
India is a fast growing economy with lots of job opportunities opening up across the country. In comes ride hailing services like Rapido, that entered the market with bike taxi business and then diversified its scope of operations with auto services in 14 cities. Since its commencement of business in 2015, Rapido has built a customer base of over 15 …
Rapido announced joining hands with Zypp Electric, to provide EV bike taxi ride service Rapido EV - to its customers. Aravind Sanka, co-founder, Rapido, said, “While India is the largest two-wheeler market, only 1 per cent of it is electric. With the launch of Rapido EV rides, we want to give a unique experience to our users along with contributing …