S&P Global Ratings has upgraded India’s sovereign rating outlook to 'positive' from 'stable', while maintaining the rating at 'BBB-'. The rating agency's positive outlook on India is predicated on its robust economic growth, pronounced improvement in the quality of government spending, and political commitment to fiscal consolidation, it said. India's GDP growth to aid debt reduction S&P expects India's economy …
Ratings agency Moody's has affirmed BAA3 rating on India and maintained a 'stable' outlook on the Indian economy. India's long-term local and foreign-currency issuer ratings and the local-currency senior unsecured rating remains at Baa3, while the other short-term local-currency rating stands at P-3, said Moody's in a statement on August 18. The Indian economy is likely to grow at 6.5 …
Crisil Ratings on Thursday revised the outlook on state-run Indian Bank's four tier-2 bond issues worth a total Rs 1,600 crore to negative, while retaining the ratings of these debt instruments at AAA. It also downgraded rating of Rs 500 crore worth additional tier 1 bonds to AA from AA+ and revised the outlook to negative, according to a regulatory …
Shares closed down nearly 1 per cent on Friday after Moody's Investors Service flagged domestic growth risks and cut its ratings outlook for the country, as well as some corporate companies and financial institutions. The NSE Nifty 50 index.NSEI closed down 0.86 per cent at 11,908.15, while the benchmark BSE index.BSESN finished 0.84 per cent lower at 40,311.21. The realty …