Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan recently made waves for describing India’s Union Home Minister Amit Shah as the ‘Hanuman’ of Indian politics. Now, in a recent interview with News18 India, Varun elaborated on his statement, expressing his admiration for Shah’s unwavering dedication to India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Varun Dhawan had recently remarked that he sees Amit Shah as the …
Actor Varun Dhawan and Union Home Minister Amit Shah had an engaging discussion at the Agenda AajTak conclave, during which Dhawan posed a question to Shah about the key difference between Lord Ram and Ravan. “What was the biggest difference between Lord Ram and Ravan?” Dhawan asked the minister from the audience. “Ram led his life based on his dharma, …
To celebrate Dussehra every year in North India, Ram Lila is organised which is an enactment of Rama's story complete with song, narration, recital and dialogue where it begins on the first day of Navratri and ends with Ravan Dahan on Vijayadashami. Dussehra festival marks the victory of Ram over Ravan, who had abducted Ram's wife Sita hence, Dussehra also …