Actor Kangana Ranaut performed the Ravan Dahan at New Delhi's famed Lav Kush Ramleela on the occasion of Dussehra on Tuesday. In the 50-year history of the event, held annually at the Red Fort, this was the first time a woman set the effigy of the demon king ablaze by shooting an arrow, said Arjun Singh, president of Lav Kush …
Actor Kangana Ranaut will perform Ravan Dahan at the national capital's famed Lav Kush Ramleela on the occasion of Dussehra on Tuesday. KANGANA RANAUT TO BURN EFFIGY OF RAVAN AT RAMLEELA In the 50-year history of the event, held annually at the Red Fort, this will be the first time a woman will set the effigy of the demon king …
After late Ramanand Sagar's mythological serial "Ramayan" of the eighties made a historic comeback on TV amid the COVID-19 lockdown, Doordarshan has now brought back "Uttar Ramayan". Also originally aired in the late eighties, the serial was a follow-up to "Ramayan", featuring mostly the same cast. While Mayuresh Kshetramade played Luv, Swwapnil Joshi essayed the character of Kush in the …
The event was also attended by President Ram Nath Kovind and a host of other dignitaries. "Although wood and labour have become expensive, we work at the same rate as last year's because we do not have many customers this year," he said. "The enthusiasm among common people and private companies is much less," said Suprakash Majumdar, general secretary, CR …