Actor Vijay Deverakonda turned 35 on Thursday, May 9, 2024. On his birthday, production house Mythri Movie Makers formally announced the actor’s new film to be directed by Rahul Sankrityan. The actor will also be working with director Ravi Kiran Kola for a film produced by Sri Venkateswara Creations. After the recent Family Star, Vijay will be teaming up with …
Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda unveiled the first poster for his highly-anticipated upcoming film with director Ravi Kiran Kola on May 9. Vijay shared the poster with the caption, "'The blood on my hands is not of their death, but of my own rebirth' Ravi Kiran Kola X Vijay Deverakonda @SVC_official." but of my own rebirth.“ Ravi Kiran Kola X Vijay …
Pan-India star Vijay Deverakonda has joined hands with filmmaker Ravi Kiran Kola and producer Dil Raju for a new film. The yet-to-be-titled film will also mark Vijay's first-ever rural action drama. Taking to X, Ravi Kiran Kola posted a picture of himself with the actor and the producer. The film, supported by a cast including Abhinaya, Vasuki, Rohini Hattangadi, and …
Telugu actor Vijay Deverakonda is teaming up with acclaimed producer Dil Raju for a high-octane action drama. Ravi Karan Kola shared a picture with Vijay Devarakonda and wrote, "It’s time for our Vicious Dynamite to be lit. @SVC_official #DilRaju garu #Sirish garu ðäðä.#SVC59 Together we WILL deliver a promising film. — Ravi Kiran Kola May 4, 2024 The yet-to-be-titled …