V. Harshavardhan Raju, Superintendent of Police Kadapa district, has been transferred with immediate effect and directed to report at the Police headquarters for further posting. Andhra Pradesh Director General of Police has placed Annamayya district SP Vasana Vidhya Sagar Naidu in full additional charge of Kadapa, until further orders. The order comes in the wake of the arrest and immediate …
Popular producer Miryala Ravinder Reddy, who made blockbusters like 'Jaya Janaki Nayaka' and 'Akhanda' has now turned his focus on his brother-in-law Virat Karrna. "Ravinder Reddy has spent more than Rs 10 crores since he didn't want to leave no stone unturned to establish his wife's brother as an action hero. The movie produced by Miryala Ravinder Reddy of Dwaraka …
NIZAMABAD: Only few leaders call TRS president and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao fondly as ‘Anna’. Minister G. Jagadish Reddy, former minister Etala Rajendar and former MLA Enugu Ravinder Reddy were prominent among them. His followers said that TRS leadership adopted a ‘use and throw’ policy and dampened the former MLA’s spirit after his defeat in 2018 Assembly elections. Political …
Warangal: Erukonda Ravinder, 53, a TSRTC conductor of the Hanamkonda bus depot, who was admitted in a private hospital in Hyderabad on October 31 after he complained of chest pain, was declared dead late on Saturday night. When Parkal MLA Challa Dharma Reddy sought to visit the home, RTC employees refused. RTC employees, along with other political party leaders, staged …