Bollywood's female superstar Deepika Padukone has given birth to a baby girl on September 8. On September 8, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh officially announced the happiness in their house. Shah Rukh met DP in hospital on Saturday Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced to become parents in February 2024. A few days ago, Shah Rukh Khan had reached the …
‘Shows Distorted Mindset… But India Won’t Compromise’: At Longewala on Diwali, PM Modi’s Message to China Taking a swipe at China without naming it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the entire world feels troubled by “expansionist” forces and expansionism shows a “distorted mindset” which belongs to 18th century. Citizens need to follow discipline.” “Just like discipline and …
Deepika Padukone has cancelled the Delhi leg of promotions of her upcoming film Chhapaak as the capital erupted in violence on Tuesday. The actress was a speaker on Day 2 of Agenda AajTak 2019, being held in Delhi, when she and director Meghna Gulzar informed that they would not be attending the event. On Sunday, a police crackdown on Jamia …
Deepika Padukone was very talkative in school. Deepika Padukone shared three pictures of her teacher's remarks, one of which read, "Deepika is very talkative in class." Deepika's Cocktail director Homi Adajania took notice of the blank 'Term 2' column and wrote, "Glad that you bunked Term II." While the Bajirao Mastani actress reacted with just a "Hmmm" on the remark, …