The Delhi High Court has asked the Central Government and Jawaharlal Nehru University to file affidavits in a petition challenging the provision of 27% reservations to the persons belonging to OBC category in post graduation courses in Central educational institutions, specifically in JNU. In the said case, the Supreme Court had upheld the validity of reservations in respect of persons …
As the hunt is on to arrest former JNU student Sharjeel Imam, the coordinator of Delhi's Shaheen Bagh protest against the CAA, the Police has said that they will take action against people-entities found sheltering Sarjeel Imam as he has been booked under sedition. A sedition case has been registered against Sharjeel Imam over his 'cut off Assam from India' …
The request for sanction to prosecute former-JNU Students' Union President Kanhaiya Kumar and others is pending before the Home Department of the Delhi government, the city police told a court here. On January 14, the police had filed a charge sheet in the court against Kumar and others, including former JNU students Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, saying they were …
The Delhi government has not yet taken any decision on the prosecution sanction against former JNU Students' Union president Kanhaiya Kumar and others in the 2016 JNU sedition case, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Friday. He, however, said the Delhi government's home department will take the appropriate decision after taking all facts into consideration. Police had sought sanction from …