Responding to the Union government’s concerns, Netflix India has agreed to update the opening disclaimer of IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, a fictional six-part series based on the 1999 hijacking of an Indian Airlines plane, to include the real names of the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen hijackers. “Secondly, we also said that while the hijackers and terrorists were shown in a sympathetic light …
Using Glassdoor, the site famous for candid employee reviews that break through corporate facades, is less anonymous than it used to be. In tests by WIRED, returning users who didn’t previously provide a full name are prompted to enter one by an impossible-to-dismiss pop-up that says, “Entering your real name is required to verify your profile but other users won't …
Companies ordered to give children access for only three hours a week The National Press and Publication Administration has tightened requirements for online game companies to limit service hours for minors and strictly implement rules that users register with real names, aiming to stop children overindulging and protect their health. In 2019, the administration said online game companies could provide …
A private school in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana has found itself at a centre of a row following allegations that it asked students to write the real names of film actors in the general knowledge textbook by taking a look at their screen names and pictures, prompting the education department to seek an explanation. Teaching about personalities who won …