A man was arrested at the Delhi airport upon his arrival from the UAE on Thursday for allegedly smuggling gold bars worth over Rs. 31 lakh that were concealed in his rectum, Customs officials said. Ahmed Washir, who arrived at Terminal-3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport from Dubai by an Air India flight, was intercepted after he had crossed …
In a freak mishap, a six-year-old boy died in Indore on Sunday after his same-age friends allegedly pumped air into him by inserting a compressor into his rectum while playing, police said. As per the initial investigation, we have come to know that the boy's friends filled his abdomen with air by inserting an air compressor's nozzle into his rectum …
Two men have been arrested by customs officials at Delhi airport for allegedly smuggling gold and forex worth lakhs by concealing them in rectum in two separate cases, officials said Monday. A detailed personal and baggage search of the passenger resulted in recovery of six pieces of gold, collectively weighing 1.1 kg, wrapped with black colour adhesive tape concealed in …