Xiaomi India has announced a bunch of sale deals on the Mi and Redmi smartphones during its ‘Diwali with Mi’ sale that is slated to begin on October 16. Redmi Note 9, Redmi Note 9 Pro Max Xiaomi has stated that the Redmi Note 9 and the Redmi Note 9 Pro Max phones will be available with a discount of …
The Redmi K20 Pro was one of our favourites from 2019. The Snapdragon 855 is limited to extremely premium phones but with the Redmi K20 Pro, you don't have to spend more than Rs 25,000 to get the top-notch performance. -The Redmi K20 Pro relies on a 4000mAh battery that makes you go through an entire day and with support …
It has been a few months since Google released the Android 10 update for its phones and since then, many phones have got the latest version of Android running on them. Many Redmi K20 users in India have started receiving a new MIUI 11 update that brings the latest security patch, some bug fixes, and most importantly, the Android 10 …
Android 10 is here! Apart from Pixel phone, Andy Rubin’s Essential smartphones and OnePlus’ recent launches OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro too have started receiving the Android 10 update. Here are the details: Essential smartphones Google, apart from rolling out Android 10 update to Pixel smartphones is also rolloing out the same to Essential smartphones. https://t.co/CZ4q45xiyk pic.twitter.com/JYvRLqn80L Essential September …