Most premium flagship smartphones cost over Rs. It brings a high refresh rate 90Hz display, flagship Snapdragon 855+ processor, up to 12GB of RAM, 50W SuperVooc charging and much more. Apart from offering blazing fast performance, Realme X2 Pro also brings a 64MP quad-camera setup for great pictures and videos. Redmi K20 Pro Image Source : XIAOMI Redmi K20 Pro …
The Indian smartphone market is highly dominated by budget and mid-range smartphones. Realme X2 Pro comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus processor, 90Hz high refresh rate display, up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of onboard storage, 50W Super VOOC fast charging technology, in-display fingerprint scanner, 64MP quad-camera setup and more. Redmi K20 Pro offers a stunning design, Snapdragon …
Realme is continuing its onslaught of launching smartphones every month and it has now come out with Realme X2 Pro which is a charged up version of the Realme X2 launched back in September. Realme X2 Pro specifications Realme X2 Pro features a 6.5-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display that comes with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection. In the camera department, …