A budget of Rs 25,000 opens doors to phones with flagship-grade processing hardware, premium designs and high-end cameras. Realme X3 price in India: Rs 24,999 for 6 GB RAM/128 GB storage Redmi K20 Pro Xiaomi has dropped the price of Redmi K20 Pro, thus making it a great all-round option in this budget. Samsung Galaxy A51 price in India: Rs …
A budget of Rs 25,000 is one where people start expecting flagship features and performance from their smartphones and rightly so. Redmi K20 price in India: Rs 24,999 for 6 GB RAM/128 GB storage Realme X2 Realme X2 offers some great features that compete hard with the Redmi K20. The phone is powered by Samsung’s mid-range Exynos 9611 SoC and …