Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh chief minister Mohan Yadav is toying with the idea of launching a weekly programme christened as ‘Jan Sunbai’ to redress public grievances, official sources said on Wednesday. Former chief ministers Digvijay Singh of Congress and Uma Bharti of BJP used to hear public grievances once in a week, when they were in power. However, former chief minister …
The Employee Provident Fund Organisation, Regional Office, Royapettah, will hold “Nidhi Aapke Nikat” NAN 2.0 at the Chennai Collectorate on January 27 for speedy redress of long-pending grievances, providing online services and awareness session for subscribers/establishments covered with EPFO. Subscribers and employers who desire to get redress for their grievances pertaining to the EPFO, Regional Office, Chennai and Chennai may …
The UT administration has asked the government employees not to approach the higher offices for the redress of their grievances. In a fresh order issued by commissioner/secretary Manoj Dwivedi, employees have been warned against bypassing proper channels and approaching higher offices like the President’s, PMO, lieutenant governor’s secretariat or chief secretary for redressal of grievances pertaining to service matters ) …