Addressing media persons at the Coimbatore airport on Wednesday, Palaniswami said he did not know if the Chief Minister lacked the confidence to take up his challenge or if he was a puppet Chief Minister, reiterating his earlier allegation that the State had four power centres. Since he made some serious allegations and said the Chief Minister had earned the …
A Delhi Court on Thursday rapped the Enforcement Directorate for arresting a Singapore-based businessman at Kolkata airport without its permission in a money laundering case connected to the alleged employment of agents by Embraer for facilitating contract for Airborne Early Warning & Control Project with DRDO for procurement of 3-fully modified EMB-145 aircrafts in 2008.Dev. Continuing, it said, "So, when …
The central government on Sunday issued a clarification after backlash over an advisory from the Unique Identification Authority of India on sharing of Aadhar photocopy with any unlicensed private entity. Unlicensed private entities like hotels or film halls are not permitted to collect or keep copies of Aadhaar card, the release said, calling it an offence under the Aadhaar Act …