Oppo is gearing up for the launch of its Reno 13 series in India, with the official launch date yet to be confirmed. Both models are set to feature a distinctive camera setup, with two vertically aligned large cameras, complemented by a third camera positioned on the right. In the teaser, Oppo also showcased two appealing colour options: white and …
Oppo is all set to launch a new smartphone in India. The upcoming Oppo Reno 13 Series is all set to launch in India next week. Oppo Reno 13 5G Series India launch date Oppo has announced that the Oppo Reno 13 5G series will be launching in India soon, with more details about the exact launch date expected shortly. …
Oppo Reno 13 Series has been confirmed to launch in China on November 25, 2024. Oppo Reno 13 Series launch Oppo is hosting a live event to announce the Oppo Reno 13 Series on November 25. Alongside the new Reno series, the company is also expected to announce Oppo Pad 3 and Oppo Enco R3 Pro. Oppo Reno 13 Series: …