Shahid Kapoor’s last release, Jersey, failed to perform well at the box office. The film, which also starred Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur, was reportedly made on a budget of Rs 80 crore. A source close within the industry has informed BollywoodLife that Shahid Kapoor was recently approached for a project by a director, for which the actor apparently quoted …
According to a report from the Washington Post's Fahrenthold, the Secret Service agreed to a $179,000 contract earlier this week with a company that will supply them with golf carts to be used for just the summer when protecting Donald Trump at his New Jersey golf course. "The golf carts are being rented from a private vendor, New York-based Associates …
Actor Shahid Kapoor, who gave his career’s biggest hit with Kabir Singh, has begun prepping for his next role in the remake of Telugu hit, Jersey. A report in Mumbai Mirror says the film’s shoot will begin in Chandigarh from December 2 this year. After that, the team will take a break for around four-five days for the New Year …