Prime Minister Narendra Modi watched the Vikrant Massey starrer film 'The Sabarmati Report' at 4 pm today at Balyogi auditorium along with Speaker Lok Sabha and ministers and MPs. He posted on X, "Joined fellow NDA MPs at a screening of 'The Sabarmati Report.' Let us tell you that this film revolves around the justice system, society and personal struggles …
NDA partner Kuki People's Alliance withdraws support from N Biren Singh government in Manipur, PTI reported. KPA's decision to walk out of the ruling alliance comes at a time when the government headed by Biren Singh continues to be under fire over its inability to control the violence which has killed more than 160 people. “After careful consideration of the …
Unhappy with the Narendra Modi government's stand on the new farm laws and its handling of the ongoing farmers' protest, BJP ally Rashtriya Loktantrik Party today announced it is leaving the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance over issues concerning the new farm laws. Declaring the move, RLP chief Hanuman Beniwal said, "I have left the NDA in protest against the three …