The Delhi High Court on Monday directed news channels to ensure that their reporting in respect of Delhi liquor scam case is in accordance with the official press releases issued by Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate and in compliance of the guidelines or directives which govern the news broadcasting.Justice Yashwant Varma passed the order while hearing a. The …
Thirty eight Bollywood associations and producers have filed a suit in the Delhi High Court against two news channel, including Republic TV and Times Now, and four senior journalists -- Arnab Goswami, Pradeep Bhandari, Rahul Shivshankar, Navika Kumar -- for making or publishing irresponsible, derogatory and defamatory remarks against the Hindi film industry, as per reports. Since late actor Sushant …
"All countries that have diplomatic relations with China should firmly honour their commitment to the One-China policy, which is also the long-standing official position of the Indian government," the letter dated 7 October said. "We hope Indian media can stick to Indian government's position on Taiwan question and do not violate the One-China principle", it added. The later was issued …
A day after the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi objected to Indian media reporting on ‘National Day of Taiwan’, the Ministry of External Affairs reminded the Chinese that Indian media is a “free” entity and they can report on any issue they deem “fit”. On Wednesday a war of words broke out between Taiwan and China when the Chinese embassy …
Former chief election commissioner SY Quraishi on Monday took a critical view of the media’s role during the recently held Lok Sabha elections, alleging that instead of ‘asking tough questions to leaders of the day’, it was “only questioning” the Opposition parties. New Delhi: Former chief election commissioner SY Quraishi on Monday took a critical view of the media’s role …