Twitter has marked tweets by Bharatiya Janata Party figures, including its spokesman Sambit Patra, as “manipulated media”. The BJP is upset and has sent another threatening note to Twitter saying that it should remove the “manipulated media” tag because the government was investigating the matter. These are legal notices from the Government of India asking Twitter to either block an …
With Diwali round the corner, the families of army personnel posted in distant places across the country have requested the Union government to start plying passenger trains in the state. HT Image Atma Raksha Sangh convener colonel HS Kahlon said that a number of army personnel visit their families during Diwali but if passenger trains do not operate, they will …
The government has requested the railways to make the train services available to women passengers from Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm and from 7 pm onwards till the end of the services for the day Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has requested general managers of Central and Western Railway to allow all women to travel on local trains in …