Home Minister G. Parameshwara said on Saturday that the government is committed to provide housing to all one lakh-odd police personnel in the State. He has urged the Union Home Minister during the recent visit to sanction at least ₹5,000 crore towards police housing in Karnataka,” Dr. Parameshwara said. “One could not imagine living in the police lane houses of …
After winning accolades from different quarters over its achievements in the irrigation, agriculture and other sectors, the State is on the verge of completing another major task — construction of full-fledged integrated district office complexes in all the newly carved out districts. While the construction of the new complexes is continuing, it has been decided to shift the Hyderabad district …
With the shortage of fire stations at Sector 37 in Gurugram becoming a major problem for rescue operations in the city, the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram has decided to revamp the existing fire station in the area. The civic body has decided to raze the existing fire station in Sector 37 and construct a new building from next month. Located …
Maharashtra State Judges Association has approached the Bombay High Court, highlighting the lack of infrastructure and the State Government's apathy regarding residential quarters for judicial officers of the subordinate judiciary. The petition seeks directions to set up a single-window portal to consider grievances of judicial officers, regarding electricity cuts without generator back-ups in different parts of the State and safety …