Doctors at government hospitals in Lucknow are reporting a rise in the number of patients, particularly children, presenting with respiratory issues such as asthma and chest congestion. Doctors in respiratory medicine and hospital chief medical superintendents have pointed to worsening pollution The three major government hospitals in the district—Balrampur hospital, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee hospital, and Lok Bandhu hospital—have observed an …
The Karnataka High Court has imposed a cost of Rs 1 lakh on Karnataka Examination Authority after holding that allotment of MD in Respiratory Medicine seat made in favour of a candidate was wholly illegal. A division bench of Chief Justice P S Dinesh Kumar and Justice T G Shivashankare Gowda allowed the petition filed by Dr. Rajesh Kumar D …
7月26日,国家呼吸医学中心在中日友好医院正式揭牌成立。该中心致力于建成国际领先的呼吸疾病防治机构,并为此加大人才培养和科研攻关。 The National Center for Respiratory Medicine, set up at China-Japan Friendship Hospital on July 26, aims to become a world-class institute in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases while offering education and training and conducting scientific research on such diseases. 2020年7月26日,一名行人骑自行车经过国家呼吸医学中心。(图片来源:中国日报网) 【知识点】 国家卫健委自2017年开始启动国家医学中心规划设置工作,根据国家呼吸医学中心设置标准,经过严格遴选,决定分别以北京中日友好医院和广州医科大学附属第一医院为主体,南北两家医院共同构成国家呼吸医学中心。我国呼吸疾病危害严重,防治能力不足,新冠疫情的暴发凸显了人民对呼吸疾病防治能力整体提升的迫切需求。国家呼吸医学中心的设立,将有助于统筹国家呼吸病防治,尤其能为今年秋冬季新冠肺炎防控提供强大的呼吸学科保障。此外还将提升慢阻肺、哮喘、肺炎、肺癌、肺栓塞等常见、多发性呼吸疾病的防治和诊治能力,更好地促进国家呼吸学科的发展。 该中心将从呼吸疾病预防及早诊早治、临床诊疗、人才培养、科学研究、辐射推广等多角度出发,计划建立呼吸疾病三级预防体系,提升呼吸疑难病症诊治能力,建设呼吸与危重症医学科(PCCM)医师培训体系,建设国家呼吸临床研究平台,推进PCCM规范化和呼吸专科医联体建设等。中心还将助力解决突发呼吸道传染病带来的重大公共卫生问题,针对重要突发呼吸道传染病加大技术、人才、设备储备,开展疾病病原谱、发生发展机制和临床特点研究,建立早期预警、应急救治、预防控制等新策略和新技术,并开发一系列关键设备,制定新发突发呼吸道传染病防治指南、标准。 【重要讲话】 只有构建起强大的公共卫生体系,健全预警响应机制,全面提升防控和救治能力,织密防护网、筑牢筑实隔离墙,才能切实为维护人民健康提供有力保障。 Only by developing a strong public health system, improving the early warning …